Learning Options from Demonstration using Skill Segmentation


We present a method for learning options from segmented demonstration trajectories. The trajectories are first segmented into skills using nonparametric Bayesian clustering and a reward function for each segment is then learned using inverse reinforcement learning. From this, a set of inferred trajectories for the demonstration are generated. Option initiation sets and termination conditions are learned from these trajectories using the one-class support vector machine clustering algorithm. We demonstrate our method in the four rooms domain, where an agent is able to autonomously discover usable options from human demonstration. Our results show that these inferred options can then be used to improve learning and planning.

International SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA Conference
Steven James
Steven James
Deputy Lab Director

My research interests include reinforcement learning and planning.

Pravesh Ranchod
Pravesh Ranchod

I am a Lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the University of the Witwatersrand