Modelling Primate Control of Grasping for Robotics Applications


The neural circuits that control grasping and perform related visual processing have been studied extensively in macaque monkeys. We are developing a computational model of this system, in order to better understand its function, and to explore applications to robotics. We recently modelled the neural representation of three-dimensional object shapes, and are currently extending the model to produce hand postures so that it can be tested on a robot. To train the extended model, we are developing a large database of object shapes and corresponding feasible grasps. Finally, further extensions are needed to account for the influence of higher-level goals on hand posture. This is essential because often the same object must be grasped in different ways for different purposes. The present paper focuses on a method of incorporating such higher-level goals. A proof-of-concept exhibits several important behaviours, such as choosing from multiple approaches to the same goal. Finally, we discuss a neural representation of objects that supports fast searching for analogous objects.

Second Workshop on Affordances: Visual Perception of Affordances and Functional Visual Primitives for Scene Analysis
Benjamin Rosman
Benjamin Rosman
Lab Director

I am a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. I work in robotics, artificial intelligence, decision theory and machine learning.